Next Exhibitions

Galerie Dumas

Prints Editions & Paperwork
Gerstnerstr 13,
4040 Linz

January 18 - February 22

Keshiki Kabutocho

Nihonbashikabutocho, 6−5
Tokyo - Japan

February 14 - February 17

Arte Genova 2025
MOHO Gallery

Genoa Exhibition Centre – BLUE Pavilion
Genova - Italy

February 13 - February 16


Heros journey

Portrait of Kurt Stimmeder - The hero`s journey, an emotional tool in the artistic process.
Movie by : Director: Lesja Kvitka Edit: Ebrahim Eskandari Camera: Amirali Bashiri Music: Sashe Urdovski Grading: Yazdan Zand Year: 2023

Artist Statement

I have been involved with various forms of creative expression since my early years. From my youth until my thirties....

Featured in Podcast

New painting

"Folded hands" - Oil on canvas

New painting

"An old Dutch memory" - Oil on canvas

New painting

"How to repair a pear sandwich" - Oil on canvas 

K u r t  S t i m m e d e r
+43 (0) 676 426 2042
o f f i c e @ k u r t s t i m m e d e r . a t

Impressum I Datenschutzerklärung