"Lithography helps me to understand my paintings better, both technically and in terms of content."

- Cat's Gold -

Edition Classic: 35 pieces
8-fold print

Size with frame: 53 x 45,7 cm
Custom made wooden frame with museum glass - anti-reflective with UV protection.

Year 2023

Gold Edition: 10 pieces
8-fold print with 24 carat gold background

Size with frame: 53 x 45,7 cm
Custom made wooden frame with museum glass - anti-reflective with UV protection.

Year 2023

Edition Classic: 35 pieces
9-fold print

Size with frame: 53 x 45,7 cm
Custom made wooden frame with museum glass - anti-reflective with UV protection.

Year 2024

"The surface of the stone, as well as the media with which it is worked, require a completely different approach. Creation steps take place in a different order as in oil painting. Especially the approach to the colorful implementation requires a contrary thinking. This rethinking leads to the fact that a known motive is created in a new, different way. In connection with a limited temporal manufacturing framework, renewed something existing in a new dynamic."

- Talking Hands IV -

Edition: 80 pieces
8 printing layers on 250gramm Excudit paper

Sheet size: 46 x 35 cm
Framed: 46 x 53 cm

Year 2021

Special thanks to Marek Homolka from RDH Rámy and the team from Litografická dílna Øíèní for their support in the realization!

- Making of Lithograph -

For inquiries, please send a message to office@kurtstimmeder.at

K u r t  S t i m m e d e r
+43 (0) 676 426 2042
o f f i c e @ k u r t s t i m m e d e r . a t

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